How The B&V All Started

"I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing."
- John 15:5 -
"The Branch and the Vine" all started one Sunday service when the pastor was preaching about how we, as humans, are like branches and Jesus is the vine. Branches, alone, cannot survive without its vines; and so, in everything we do, we need Jesus to continue to grow and be fruitful in our lives and this world.
Ever since I was young, I loved to draw, almost as much as I loved God. I would carry a 500 stack of paper up and down the stairs with my markers to make sure I could draw whenever I wanted. To this day, instead of buying presents, I'd always make my own cards and gifts for family and friends during special occasions and birthdays. People would tell me that I should sell the things I made, but my fear of failure and people not liking my designs hindered me from starting my own online shop.
It wasn't until that Sunday service when I finally gained the courage to actually do it. The verse, John 15:5, stuck with me and I realized that by putting my trust in Him, I can be fruitful in anything I put my mind to. Therefore, The Branch and the Vine is not just my company name, but is also my constant reminder to stay grounded in my faith no matter what obstacles or new adventure may come my way.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13 (ESV)